The Premiere was INCREDIBLE

by admin

I honestly did not know what to expect. Sure, thisisstuttering is extremely personal to me, and even personal to those who worked on it, but was it going to speak to the audience? I didn’t know. Over 300 people came to watch the film and the response was overwhelming. During the Q&A, I realized that thisisstuttering transcends the problem of speech impediments, but serves as encouragement and a personal account of overcoming PROBLEMS. We all have problems and a stutter is one of mine. Many people at the premiere spoke about how they were challenged and called to reevaluate their own struggles, proving that thisisstuttering is a film about living life. I was immensely humbled and overwhelmed with the comments and conversations that followed the premiere; God’s using this film and I am buckling up because it’s going to be a wild ride.